Grupa badawcza dr hab. Doroty Latek

Modelowanie procesów komórkowych

Białka błonowe stanowią 20-30 % ludzkiego genomu. Stanowią trudny obiekt do badań eksperymentalnych i w związku z tym jest ich znacznie mniej w Protein Data Bank niż białek globularnych. Biologia obliczeniowa stanowi uzupełnienie badań eksperymentalnych a w wielu przypadkach je zastępuje - właśnie w przypadku białek błonowych. Zajmujemy się przewidywaniem struktur białek transbłonowych metodami modelowania porównawczego i de novo, badaniem dynamiki i mechanizmów ich działania oraz projektowaniem dla nich substancji o znaczeniu farmakologicznym oraz ich optymalizacją.

Zapraszamy studentów do realizacji prac dyplomowych i doktorskich. Przykładowe tematy prac licencjackich i magisterskich: "Mechanizmy aktywacji receptora sekretynowego", "Odróżnianie agonistów od antagonistów receptorów GPCR", "Projektowanie nowych substancji czynnych modulujących działanie receptora kalcytoninowego", "Potencjały statystyczne w modelowaniu białek transbłonowych", "Badanie dynamiki kompleksu ligand-receptor na przykładzie receptora glukagonowego", "Aplikacje internetowe w modelowaniu receptorów GPCR", "Badanie mechanizmów transportu przez błonę komórkową na przykładzie rodziny transporterów nukleozydowych".

Projektowanie Leków

Dynamika Molekularna
VPAC1 receptor

Modelowanie przez Homologię

Tworzenie Oprogramowania
Receptory GPCR

Self-learning systems in the design of compounds modulating GPCR receptor activation

OPUS NCN 2020/39/B/NZ2/00584

GPCR receptors constitute large and diverse group of drug targets. This project is aimed at design of self-learning systems that are fitted to specific GPCR pharmacology. Such systems will decrease the number of compounds that need to be tested experimentally in a pre-clinical phase of drug discovery. This project involves ligand-based and structure-based approaches to drug design. As a result, data on the actual receptor response for a ligand together with its physicochemical properties can be combined with the structural description of the ligand-receptor complex.

If you are interested in participation send your CV to

Research Topics

Modeling of cellular processes

GPCR receptors

Homology modeling of GPCR structures & drug design
Activation switches

SLC transporters

De novo structure prediction & pharmacogenomics

Software Development

Applications for protein structure prediction & drug design

Protein Structure Prediction

Model building from multiple templates & sequence profiles comparison
GPCRM, GPCRDOCK 2013, De novo structure prediction, NMR-guided modeling

Molecular Dynamics

Dynamics of biological processes on a molecular level
S1P1, FPR1, class B GPCRs, VPAC1, V-ATPase

Drug Discovery

Structure-based drug design & lead optimization Glucagon receptors, VPAC1, V-ATPase, INPHARMA - NMR


Software for Computational Biology

We developed three web applications for modeling of G protein-coupled receptors: GPCRVS for GPCR virtual screening enhanced by machine learning, a previous web service for molecular docking with Autodock Vina against several class B GPCRs - GUT-DOCK and finally GPCRM that allowed us to win the GPCR Dock 2013 competition.

One of our recent projects is a GPCR ligand database with curated data sets for training of machine learning algorithms - Resources for GPCR research

Early programs for using sparse NMR data in protein target structure prediction and drug design are CABS-NMR and INPHARMA (co-developer).

CABS-CONT was the earliest usage of interresidual contacts predicted from, e.g., correlated mutations, MSA or HMMs, in protein folding.

Scripts for processing of MD trajectories.

Molecular dynamics used to observe activation of chemotactic receptors: simulations data for C5aR1 (stable interactions with Gi protein subunits) and C5aR2 (unstable).

GUT-DOCK (molecular docking for class B GPCR receptors i.a. gut hormone receptors) has moved to

A brief introduction on how to use GPCRVS: GPCRVS tutorial


About us
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Dorota Latek, PhD, DSc

For recent publications visit: Google Scholar

Group Leader 2019-

Habilitation: "Determination of transmembrane protein structure and function considering their evolutionary diversity", Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw.

SONATA - Principle Investigator 2013-2018

"Structural studies based on the low sequence similarity of G-protein coupled receptors activated by hormones and allosteric modulators.", National Science Centre in Poland, grant no DEC-2012/07/D/NZ1/04244

PhD Studies 2004-2009

PhD studies in the Laboratory of Prof. Kolinski, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw. PhD thesis title: "Protein structure determination using sparse experimental data", MNiSW grant for PhD students: „Modeling of protein structures based on fragmentary data from simple NMR experiments”.

Selected publications


D. Latek, K. Prajapati, P. Dragan, M. Merski, P. Osial GPCRVS - AI-driven Decision Support System for GPCR Virtual Screening. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2025, 26(5), 2160.

D. Aranda-Garcia, T. M. Stepniewski, M. Torrens-Fontanals, A. Garcia-Recio, M. Lopez-Balastegui, B. Medel-Lacruz, A. Morales-Pastor, A. Peralta-Garcia, M. Dieguez-Eceolaza, D. Sotillo-Nunez, T. Ding, M. Drabek, C. Jacquemard, J. Jakowiecki, W. Jesper, M. Jimenez-Roses, V. Jun-Yu-Lim, A. Nicoli, U. Orzel, A. Shahraki, J. K. S. Tiemann, V. Ledesma-Martin, F. Nerin-Fonz, S. Suares-Dou, O. Canal, G. Pandy-Szekeres, J. Mao, D. E. Gloriam, E. Kellenberger, D. Latek, R. Guixa-Gonzales, H. Gutierrez-de-Teran, I. G. Tikhonova, P. W. Hildebrand, M. Filizola, M. Madan Babu, A. Di Pizio, S. Filipek, P. Kolb, A. Cordomi, T. Giorgino, M. Marti-Solano, J. Selent Large scale investigation of GPCR molecular dynamics data uncovers allosteric sites and lateral gateways. Nature Communications 16, 2020 (2025).

Gratio V., Dragan P., Garcia L., Saveanu L., Nicole P., Voisin T., Latek D., Couvineau A. Pharmacodynamics of the orexin receptor type 1 (OX1R) in colon cancer cell models: A two-sided nature of antagonistic ligands resulting from partial dissociation of Gq. British Journal of Pharmacology 2024, 182 (7), 1528-1545

D. Latek, K. Prajapati, P. Dragan, M. Merski, P. Osial GPCRVS - AI-driven decision support system for GPCR virtual screening. bioRxiv, 2024.10. 28.620626

Dragan P., Latek D. The two-sided impact of beta-adrenergic receptor ligands on inflammation. Current Opinion in Physiology, 2024, 41, 100779.

Sanmukh, S.G., Krzykawska-Serda, M., Dragan, P., Baron, S., Lobaccaro, JM.A., Latek, D. Is Cancer Our Equal or Our Better? Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Drug Discovery. In: Interdisciplinary Cancer Research. Springer, Cham. (2024) The chapter is available upon request from authors.

P. Dragan, K. Joshi, A. Atzei, D. Latek Keras/TensorFlow in Drug Design for Immunity Disorders. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24, 15009.

P. Dragan, M. Merski, S. Wisniewski, S.G. Sanmukh, D. Latek Chemokine Receptors - Structure-Based Virtual Screening Assisted by Machine Learning. Pharmaceutics 2023, 15(2), 516;

SG Sanmukh, N Jose dos Santos, C Nascimento Barquilha, M de Carvalho, P Pintor dos Reis, FK Delella, HF Carvalho, D Latek, T Feher, SL Felisbino. Oncology Letters 25.2 (2023): 86.

Dragan P, Atzei A, Sanmukh SG, Latek D. Computational and experimental approaches to probe GPCR activation and signaling. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 2022;193(1):1-36.

S. Wisniewski; P. Dragan; A. Makal; D. Latek Helix 8 in chemotactic receptors of the complement system. PLoS Comput Biol 2022, 18(7):e1009994. Additional data available.

Langer, I.; Jeandriens, J.; Couvineau, A.; Sanmukh, S.; Latek, D. Signal Transduction by VIP and PACAP Receptors. Biomedicines 2022, 10, 406.

I. Langer, D. Latek. Drug Repositioning For Allosteric Modulation of VIP and PACAP Receptors. Frontiers in Endocrinology 2021, 12:711906. in Front. Endocrinol. Sec. Cellular Endocrinology, Vol. 14: 'Peptide-binding GPCRs coming of age'

M. Mizera, D. Latek. Ligand-receptor interactions and machine learning in GCGR and GLP-1R drug discovery. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(8), 4060.


I. Rodriguez-Espigares et al. GPCRmd uncovers the dynamics of the 3D-GPCRome. Nature Methods 2020, 17, 777-787.

M. Mizera, D. Latek, J. Cielecka-Piontek. Virtual Screening of C. Sativa Constituents for the Identification of Selective Ligands for Cannabinoid Receptor 2. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21(15), 5308.

D Latek*, I Langer, KA Krzysko, L Charzewski. A Molecular Dynamics Study of Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Receptor 1 and the Basis of Its Therapeutic Antagonism. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 4348.

Latek D*, Rutkowska E, Niewieczerzal S, Cielecka-Piontek J. Drug-induced diabetes type 2: In silico study involving class B GPCRs. PLoS ONE 2019 14(1): e0208892.

Miszta P, Pasznik P, Jakowiecki J, Sztyler A, Latek D, Filipek S*. GPCRM: a homology modeling web service with triple membrane-fitted quality assessment of GPCR models. Nucleic Acids Res. 2018;46(W1):W387‐W395. doi:10.1093/nar/gky429

Latek D*, Bajda M, Filipek S*. A Hybrid Approach to Structure and Function Modeling of G Protein-Coupled Receptors, J Chem Inf Model 2016, 56(4), 630-641, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.5b00451

Yuan S, Wu R, Latek D, Trzaskowski B, Filipek S*. Lipid Receptor S1P1 Activation Scheme Concluded from Microsecond All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Simulations. PLoS Comput Biol 2013, 9(10): e1003261. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003261.

Latek D*, Pasznik P, Carlomagno T & Filipek S*. Towards Improved Quality of GPCR Models by Usage of Multiple Templates and Profile-Profile Comparison. PLOS ONE 2013, 8, e56742, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0056742.

Yuan S, Ghoshdastider U, Trzaskowski B, Latek D, Debinski A, Pulawski W, Wu R, Gerke V & Filipek S*. The role of water in activation mechanism of human N-formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPR1) based on molecular dynamics simulations. PLOS ONE 2012, 7, e47114, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0047114.

Latek D, Kolinski M, Ghoshdastider U, Debinski A, Bombolewski R, Plazinska A, Jozwiak K & Filipek S*. Modeling of ligand binding to G protein coupled receptors: cannabinoid CB1, CB2 and adrenergic beta 2 AR. J Mol Model 2011, 17, 2353-2366, doi:10.1007/s00894-011-0986-7.

Latek D, Modzelewska A, Trzaskowski B, Palczewski K & Filipek S*. G protein-coupled receptors--recent advances. Acta Biochim Pol 2012, 59, 515-529.

Trzaskowski B, Latek D, Yuan S, Ghoshdastider U, Debinski A & Filipek S*. Action of molecular switches in GPCRs--theoretical and experimental studies. Curr Med Chem 2012, 19, 1090-1109.

Other transmembrane proteins

Latek D. Rosetta Broker for membrane protein structure prediction: concentrative nucleoside transporter 3 and corticotropin-releasing factor receptor 1 test cases, BMC Structural Biology 2017, 17:8, DOI: 10.1186/s12900-017-0078-8.

Dreisigacker S, Latek D, Bockelmann S, Huss M, Wieczorek H, Filipek S, Gohlke H, Menche D & Carlomagno T*. Understanding the inhibitory effect of highly potent and selective archazolides binding to the vacuolar ATPase. J Chem Inf Model 2012, 52, 2265-2272, doi: 10.1021/ci300242d.


Latek D* & Kolinski A. CABS-NMR--De novo tool for rapid global fold determination from chemical shifts, residual dipolar couplings and sparse methyl-methyl NOEs. J Comput Chem 2011, 32, 536-544, doi: 10.1002/jcc.21640.

Latek D*, Ekonomiuk D & Kolinski A. Protein structure prediction: combining de novo modeling with sparse experimental data. J Comput Chem 2007, 28, 1668-1676, doi: 10.1002/jcc.20657.

Codutti L, Skjaerven L, Angelini A, Grimaldi M, Latek D, Monecke P, Dreyer M & Carlomagno T*. Accounting for conformational variability in protein-ligand docking with NMR-guided rescoring. J Am Chem Soc 2013, 135(15), 5819-27.

For Students


Send your CV to: dlatek at

Oferowane wykłady

Szlaki komórkowe i ich komponenty

Białka jako cele molekularne w projektowaniu leków

Proteins as molecular targets in drug design


Zainteresowanych udziałem w wykładach proszę o kontakt: lub zapisanie się przez USOS.

Materiały do zajęć

Ćwiczenia rachunkowe z chemi analitycznej

Zadania powtórzeniowe

Monographs and reviews

Sanmukh, S.G., Krzykawska-Serda, M., Dragan, P., Baron, S., Lobaccaro, JM.A., Latek, D. Is Cancer Our Equal or Our Better? Artificial Intelligence in Cancer Drug Discovery. In: Interdisciplinary Cancer Research. Springer, Cham. (2024)

Dragan P, Atzei A, Sanmukh SG, Latek D. Computational and experimental approaches to probe GPCR activation and signaling. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 2022;193(1):1-36. doi:10.1016/bs.pmbts.2022.06.001.

D Latek, B Trzaskowski, S Niewieczerzał, P Miszta, K Młynarczyk, A Dębiński, W Puławski, S Yuan, A Sztyler, U Orzeł, J Jakowiecki, S Filipek*. Modeling of Membrane Proteins. In: Liwo A. (eds) Computational Methods to Study the Structure and Dynamics of Biomolecules and Biomolecular Processes. Springer Series on Bio- and Neurosystems, 2019, vol 8. Springer, Cham

Gront D, Latek D, Kurcinski M & Kolinski A*. (2008) Template-Free Predictions of Three-Dimensional Protein Structures: From First Principles to Knowledge-Based Potentials. In Prediction of Protein Structures, Functions, and Interactions, pp. 117-141. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Kufareva I, Katritch V, Participants of GPCR Dock 2013, Stevens RCS, Abagyan R. (2014) Advances in GPCR Modeling Evaluated by the GPCR Dock 2013 Assessment: Meeting New Challenges. Structure , 22(8) , 1120 – 1139


Recent Blog

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Jul 12, 2024 | ISMB 2024

The ISMB/ISCB conference 2024 in Montreal, Canada

Dorota Latek has been invited to give a talk about GPCRVS at Technology Track. GPCRVS has been presented by P. Dragan on behalf of a virtual participation of Dorota Latek.

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Oct 21, 2024 | Drug Discovery 2024

Drug Discovery in Boston

GPCRVS has been presented by Dorota Latek at Drug Discovery 2024 in Boston. In addition, our two successful competitions: GPCR Dock 2010 (ranked #6) and GPCR Dock 2013 (ranked #1) have been reminded.

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Dec 4, 2024 | GPCRs

Antigen-gated G-protein-coupled engineered receptors

'Antigen binding to a fused nanobody relieves auto-inhibition and enables receptor activation by drug, thus generating programmable antigen-gated G-protein-coupled engineered receptors.'

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Jan 29, 2025 | IJMS Special Issue

G protein-coupled receptors

A new special issue edited by Dorota Latek has been opened for submissions. Understanding the ligand recognition, activation, signaling, and regulation of these receptors is of prime importance not only to decipher aspects of human physiology but also for developing of novel therapeutics.

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April 18, 2024 | GPCR Zoominar

GPCR Zoominar 2024

Paulina Dragan gave a talk at GPCR Zoominar on her microsecond simulations of orexin receptor systems.

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April 29, 2024 | Frontiers in Immunology

Linking Endocrine System with Immunity

A new Frontiers Research Topic edited by D. Latek, Y. Tutuncu, and H.Y. Dar has been opened. This topic aims to understand and explore the mutual interactions between the endocrine and immune systems.

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May 6, 2022 | Adhesion GPCRs

10th Adhesion GPCR Workshop in Copenhagen

Our approach to ligand-based virtual screening based on machine learning algorithms implemented in LightGBM and TensorFlow was first described in a talk by Dorota Latek at the 10th Adhesion GPCR Workshop in Copenhagen.

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Oct 9, 2024 | Nobel Prize

Nobel Prize goes to developers of AlphaFold and Rosetta

'For the first time and probably not the last a scientific breakthrough enabled by artificial intelligence (AI) has been recognized with a Nobel prize.' Nobel Prize was awarded to John Jumper and Demis Hassabis for AlphaFold and David Baker for Rosetta.

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Sept 1, 2023 | Oncornet 2.0

Oncornet 2.0 symposium at VU Amsterdam

'With the [presented at Oncornet 2.0] tools and model systems for the oncogenic chemokine receptor CXCR4 (involved in cancer and metastasis) and the atypical receptor ACKR3 in place, the signaling networks and translational effects can be studied in more detail.'

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Sept 7, 2023 | Updated GPCR map

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Aug 14, 2023 | Adhesion GPCRs

The adhesion GPCR ADGRL3 in the apo state

'An effective universal method for GPCR cryo-electron microscopy structure determination without the need to prepare GPCR-signaling protein complexes.'

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June 1, 2023 | CEBC 2023

CEBC conference in Cracow

Our PhD student Paulina Dragan received the best talk award at the Young Scientific Investigator's Session. She spoke about chemokine receptors and discovery of novel drug scaffolds using machine learning-assisted virtual screening.

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March 17, 2023 | Pod znakiem medycyny

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May 23, 2023 | Machine learning

Machine learning: mapping the motion and structure of flexible proteins from cryo-EM data

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December 15, 2021 | Drug discovery

GPCR drug discovery: integrating solution NMR data with crystal and cryo-EM structures

'nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy in solution is a key tool for analysing function-related conformational equilibria in GPCRs as they relate to allosteric coupling...'

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November 23, 2021 | GPCR Receptors

Structure of the class C orphan GPCR GPR158 in complex with RGS7-Gbeta5

'GPR158, a class C orphan GPCR, functions in cognition, stress-induced mood control, and synaptic development. Among class C GPCRs, GPR158 is unique as it lacks a Venus flytrap-fold ligand-binding domain and terminates Galphai/o protein signaling through the RGS7-Gbeta5 heterodimer. Here, we report the cryo-EM structures of GPR158 alone and in complex with one or two RGS7-Gbeta5 heterodimers.'

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December 15, 2021 | Signaling

Structure of the class D GPCR Ste2 dimer coupled to two G proteins

'GPCRs are divided phylogenetically into six classes, denoted A to F. More than 370 structures of vertebrate GPCRs (belonging to classes A, B, C and F) have been determined [...]. Here we determine the structure of a [first] class D GPCR, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae pheromone receptor Ste2, in an active state coupled to the heterotrimeric G protein Gpa1–Ste4–Ste18. Ste2 was purified as a homodimer coupled to two G proteins.'

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October 24, 2019 | Drug Discovery

Toward G protein-coupled receptor structure-based drug design using X-ray lasers

'Rational structure-based drug design (SBDD) relies on the availability of a large number of co-crystal structures to map the ligand-binding pocket of the target protein and use this information for lead-compound optimization via an iterative process.[...] Here, a method is presented for the rapid determination of multiple co-crystal structures for a target GPCR in complex with various ligands, taking advantage of the serial femtosecond crystallography approach, which obviates the need for large crystals and requires only submilligram quantities of purified protein.'

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November 18, 2019 | GPCR receptors

Structure of an endosomal signaling GPCR-G protein-Beta-arrestin megacomplex

'Classically, G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are thought to activate G protein from the plasma membrane and are subsequently desensitized by Beta-arrestin (Beta-arr). However, some GPCRs continue to signal through G protein from internalized compartments, mediated by a GPCR–G protein–Beta-arr ‘megaplex’. [...] Here, we present its cryo-electron microscopy structure'

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November 4, 2019 | Protein Structure

Membrane protein megahertz crystallography at the European XFEL

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Modeling of
cellular processes
research group

dlatek at

Faculty of Chemistry UW
1 Pasteur St., 02-093 Warsaw
